Chesed at BT

Taking care of others is an important value in our BT community and an integral part of who we are as a Jewish people. Whether someone in the synagogue community would enjoy a friendly home visit to help them feel connected, or a Baltimore soup kitchen is looking for volunteers to cook and serve a warm meal to people experiencing poverty, opportunities abound to make a positive impact in someone’s life. We encourage members to reach out to us with their interest in volunteering or to help identify a need.
Meal Trains
One of the kindest ways we can care for one another during a time of need is by providing meals. If you are organizing meals for a BT member who has a temporary need - such as a new baby, home sick, recovering from surgery, or in mourning - we would love to share it with our broader community. Please make sure the member who will benefit from the meal train has approved it before you submit it to BT for posting. Submit a request to post a meal train link: or 410-413-2291.
BT asks that if you participate in a meal train, please adhere to the kashrut guidelines for cooking and preparing food, or choose to purchase a meal or gift card from a kosher establishment instead.


Visit homebound members
We are currently seeking volunteers to visit members who are homebound or in assisted living residences. For more information, please email Philippa Lichterman:

Become a Minyan Maker
If you would like to join the Minyan Makers WhatsApp group to be alerted to opportunities to help make a minyan for members in mourning, contact Rabbi Goldstein:

Join the Chesed Committee
Join our passionate chesed committee in planning and coordinating chesed opportunities for our community. If you are interested in this meaningful leadership role, please email Roberta Katz,

Sign up for Paul's Place
Take a lunch shift at Paul’s Place, a non-profit that serves up to 300 people a day who are experiencing poverty in Southwest Baltimore. Join us on the first Tuesday of each month as we help serve hot lunch, wash dishes, sort clothing donations, and assist guests.

Chesed Programs

List of 4 events.

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