Shabbat & Holidays at Beth Tfiloh
Shabbat and holidays are the highlight of the BT shul experience, where community members of all ages engage in exciting and meaningful opportunities that fulfill their spiritual and social needs. Discover why Beth Tfiloh is such a beautiful place to celebrate Shabbat and the holidays. See below for complete Shabbat and holiday service and program options.
In our continued effort to balance modernity with halacha, Beth Tfiloh Congregation’s Shabbat and holiday services include the use of the halachically-approved Tzomet sound system to ensure that all who attend can follow along. Women are invited and encouraged to participate within the framework of halacha.
All Beth Tfiloh Shabbat services are open to the community without regard to synagogue affiliation. For more information, please contact Philippa Lichterman, Special Projects Coordinator, at
410-413-2291 or See the
Schedule of Services for Shabbat and weekday service times and Shabbat and Yom Tov candlelighting information.
Shabbat Services
Dahan Sanctuary Service, 9:15 am (starts at Shochen Ad)
Family, Youth and Teens Services:
- Young Family Minyan, 9:45-11:15 am, Epstein Chapel
- PreSchool Shabbat Group (preschool 2s-Kindergarten), 10-11 am, Tuvin Hall
- Lower School Group (grades 1-4), 10-11 am, Tuvin Library
- Middle School Minyan (grades 5-7), 10-11:15 am, combined with Teen Minyan in Middle School Beit Midrash
- Teen Minyan, 9:47 am, Middle School Beit Midrash
View complete family, youth and teen Shabbat service details here