Congregation Leadership

Officers of the Board of Directors

Michael Bresler, Chair
Avi Benus ’94, Executive Vice President
Morris Wise, Secretary
Marty Taylor ’94, Vice Chair, Camp
Shelley Kaye, Vice Chair, Development
Joel Cohn, Vice Chair, Finance
Ed Schlesinger, Assistant Vice Chair, Finance
Daniel Schmerling ’04, Vice Chair, Governance
Michael Stein, Vice Chair, Properties & Facilities
Sheila Goldscheider, Vice Chair, Synagogue Life

Officers of the Congregation

Benjamin Sobol, President
Lauren Hurwitz Braunstein '03, First Vice President
Peter Jay, Second Vice President
Teri Gitlitz ’92, Secretary
Elected Board Members 
Stuart Abell
Ivy Ammann
Avi Benus ’94
David Berman
Lauren Hurwitz Braunstein ‘03
Michael Bresler
Tara Brown
Natalie Chason
Joel Cohn
Simon Cornberg
David Golaner
Sheila Goldscheider
Vicki Hervitz ‘05
Peter Jay
Jeff Karlin
Deena Lubelski
Huppit Bartov Miller
Jacob Rosin
Ed Schlesinger
Daniel Schmerling ‘04
Ronnie Silverstein
Kyley Sommer
Michael Stein
Marty Taylor ‘94
Morris Wise
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