Empty Nester Chavurah

Beth Tfiloh’s Empty Nester Chavurah is a group of BT members who have adult children no longer living at home. The Chavurah meets once a month at a member’s home to socialize and participate in Jewish-related learning activities. Please contact Roberta Katz (rkatz@btfiloh, 410-413-2305) for more information or to join the group.

2024-2025 Schedule
September 22Phil  Jacobs: Down The Ballot Rabbit Hole
October 19Empty Nester Shabbat luncheon in the sukkah
October 27Rabbi Wecker
November 10Israel / Alisa & Ben Rank
December 15Pre Hanukkah dinner
January 26Sing-a-long with Chazzan Yoni Rose
February 23Melissa Wohlberg: Physical & emotional wellness
March 23Organ donation…Is it kosher?
April 27Jon Hornstein: The Weinberg Foundation
May 18Les Kwestel: Successful Aging
June 22Annual planning & games
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