The Mercaz Dahan Center for Jewish Life and Learning
Beth Tfiloh's Mercaz Dahan Center for Jewish Life and Learning offers accessible and intellectual classroom-style adult educational opportunities. Explore Mercaz’s weekly, monthly and special programming opportunities for your regular infusion of Torah and spirituality.
Weekly, Wednesdays, 7 pm Facilitator: Rabbi Dr. Eliyahu Yoggev Join us for inspiring and meaningful conversations on Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the Fathers).
Monthly, Thursdays, 10:30 am What’s on Rabbi Wohlberg’s mind… and yours? Join Rabbi Wohlberg on zoom for a candid conversation about Jewish current events, Israel, politics & more.
Weekly, Tuesdays, 7 pm Facilitator: Rabbi Jason Goldstein In this class we will explore the halachic process by examining a series of practical topics, such as kashrut, Shabbat, and prayer.
Celebrating the Joy of Judaism. Embracing all Jews. One of the leading Modern Orthodox synagogues in America, with a diverse membership, and an extensive offering of religious services, classes and year-round Jewish programming for all ages.