Beth Tfiloh Congregation Clergy

Beth Tfiloh's spiritual leaders share the synagogue's mission to celebrate the joy of Judaism and embrace Jews of all levels of observance. They are outstanding Jewish role models and provide spiritual leadership and support to the congregational families. In addition, they teach a variety of adult education classes at Beth Tfiloh and are frequently asked to speak in the community.  
Rabbi Chai Posner, Senior Rabbi 
Rabbi Chai Posner has been a rabbi at Beth Tfiloh Congregation since 2010. In his capacity as associate rabbi, his down-to-earth personality and approachable style made him beloved to all, as he quickly earned a reputation for being "wise beyond his years." In a historic vote which took place in September 2019, Rabbi Posner was unanimously chosen to succeed Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg as only the fourth senior rabbi in Beth Tfiloh’s 100-year history, a position he assumed  during Beth Tfiloh’s centennial year, in January 2022. In this capacity Rabbi Posner also serves as the dean of Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School. Rabbi Posner’s vision prioritizes authenticity, inspiration, relevance and joy in service of God. 
Rabbi Posner received his semicha (rabbinic ordination) from Yeshivat Chovevei Torah in 2010. He holds a BA degree in Judaic studies from Brooklyn College. Rabbi Posner sits on numerous local and national boards and committees including American Friends of Bar Ilan and AIPAC’s National Council. He and his wife, Rachel, live in Pikesville with their children, Roni, Eliram, Yair, Kayla, and Moshe.

Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg, Rabbi-in-Residence 
Rabbi Wohlberg served as Beth Tfiloh's spiritual leader for more than 43 years, reflecting an unprecedented growth in the synagogue's membership and programming. Rabbi Wohlberg is known for his warmth, his humor, and his inspiring and insightful sermons, which are read by thousands over the Internet. He is the author of the books, "The Un-Haggadah: How to Keep the Conversation and Wine Flowing at Your Seder" and "Pulpit Power". Follow Rabbi Wohlberg on Facebook and Twitter and view his weekly Parshah Preview video. His latest book, What We Can REALLY Learn from the Rich and Famous: A Selection of Ponderings, Contemplations, and Inspirationsis available on Amazon.
Rabbi Dr. Eli Yoggev, Associate Rabbi
Rabbi Dr. Eli Yoggev was born and raised in Cheltenham, Pennsylvania. In 1997, he moved to Israel and for the next thirteen years learned at Yeshivat Har Etzion, Yeshivat Mercaz Harav, and several other Jewish seminaries. Rabbi Yoggev holds a PhD in Jewish philosophy from Bar Ilan University and is the author of the book Ethics of the Soul: Uplifting and Relevant Commentary on Ethics of the Fathers פרקי אבות, available on Amazon.
Rabbi Jason Goldstein, Assistant Rabbi
A native of the Philadelphia area, Rabbi Goldstein graduated from Brandeis University with a degree in history and Near Eastern and Judaic studies. He has had the opportunity to learn Torah in a variety of settings, including Yeshivat Hamivtar and Yeshivat Chovevei Torah. Before joining the Beth Tfiloh community, Rabbi Goldstein taught Chumash and Gemara at Berman Hebrew Academy.
Rabbi Chaim Wecker, Ritual Director
Rabbi Wecker, a graduate of Ner Israel Rabbinical College, is our ritual director and oversees daily services and yahrzeits, serves as our Torah reader and teaches Bar and Bat Mitzvah students. Rabbi Wecker joined the Beth Tfiloh clergy in 2009. 
Chazzan Yoni Rose, Chazzan
Chazzan Rose was named the Cantor of Beth Tfiloh Congregation in 2024. A proud 2004 graduate of Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community High School, Chazzan Rose found a teacher and mentor in Chazzan Avi Albrecht and is thrilled to continue his legacy. Chazzan Rose prides himself on his musical flexibility, mastering liturgical styles ranging from Carlebach-style davening to classical chazanus, and everything in between. But most of all, he loves creating and fostering relationships with congregants, and serving in a pastoral role. 
Chazzan Rose received his musical education at the University of Maryland, earning a bachelor's degree in Vocal Performance, and a master's degree in Opera Studies. He then served for seven years as the Cantor of the Jewish Community of Frankfurt, Germany where he also prepared many Bar Mitzvah students, taught children of all ages, and helped establish a new Jewish Family Center in Frankfurt. He has also worked and performed with world-renowned conductors and performers, appearing extensively throughout Europe and Israel.
Chazzan Avi Albrecht, Chazzan Emeritus 
Chazzan Albrecht has been Beth Tfiloh's Shaliach Tzibur since 1996. Chazzan Albrecht is beloved by the Beth Tfiloh family for his personal warmth, his rich baritone voice, his musical creativity, and his inspiring spirituality. His exceptional vocal talents have earned him standing ovations by audiences in every major city in the U.S., Canada and Israel.  
If you would like to get in touch with our clergy, email
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