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Sermons and Divrei Torah
Terumah - The Path of Growth
Mishpatim - What's a Fact, Anyway?
Beshalach – Unanswered Prayers
Bo - "On This Very Day: When the Light Breaks Through the Darkness"
Shmot - Choosing Hope Over Fear
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Rabbi Wohlberg's Parshah Previews
Shabbat Zachor: Should We Still Remember Amalek?
Mishpatim: An Ounce of Prevention…
B'shalach: Why do they hate us?
Vaera - Same Old Same Old
Vayechi - Presidents! Past and future
Vayeshev: It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like...
Vayishlach: Biden - Right or Wrong?
Shabbas Chol-hamoed
Nitzavim-Vayelech: Auld Lang Syne
Kitetze: when it comes to the hostages, who is right… or left?
Shoftim: What are you going to vote for?
Reeh: Doing Nothing
Bechukotai: Don't Be a Fraidy Cat
Behar: Friendly Fire
Behar: Friendly Fire
Emor: Is Seinfeld Good for the Jews?
Kedoshim: Learning to Love Yourself
Metzora: Two rights don’t make a wrong.
Tazria: There’s a time to be silent and a time to speak.
Shemini Hachodesh: Did you ask a good question?
Purim: The Attack on Purim
Pekudei: Our children are not nachas-producing machines.
Vayakel: It all boils down to the shekels
Ki Tisa: Do you believe in the evil eye?
Tetzaveh: Everybody’s got it wrong about Taylor Swift.
Terumah: To Zoom or not to Zoom. That is the Question.
Mishpatim: Carrying Your Load
Yitro: Is Donald Trump Divine?
Beshalach: We are one; how long will it last?
Bo: What comes next for Israel?
Va'era: Are we failing our children?
Shmot: Denial is a River in Egypt
Vayegash: It’s beginning to look like…
Vayeshev: Bands of Brothers
Vayishlach: The story of Israel; same old, same old
Vayetzei: Menu for this week's Shabbas meal...
Toldot: Created in God’s image: Easau and Jacob, Israel and Gaza
Chaye Sarah: Hebron & the Cave of the Patriarchs; Then & Now
Vayera: The Jewish People are Being Tested: Pass or Fail?
Lech Lecha: Israel: In the Book and in our Kishkas
Noach: May God Avenge their Blood
Berishit: Critics of Israel: It's Time to Put Up Or...
Shemini Atzeret: A Weekend of 3 Holidays
Sukkot: Carpe Esrog
The Yom Kippur War: The Illusion of Validity
Rosh Hashanah
Nitzvavim-Vayelech Preview: Apples, Honey and Flags
Ki Tavo Preview: Wouldn’t you like to have a personal assistant?
Ki Tzeitzei Preview: Yes, But...
Preparing for Elul: Don't Just Do Something... Stand Still!
Korach Parshah Preview: Women's Wisdom
Beha'alotcha Parshah Preview: Fool Me Once...
Naso Preview: Sweet Dreams are Made of These
Yom Yerushalayim
Behar-Bechukotai Preview: Sacred Times, Sacred Places
Pesach Sheini: A Chance for a Second Chance
Acharei-Mot Kedoshim Preview: Can I Still Like Roger Waters?
Tazria-Metzora Preview: If You Have Nothing Nice to Say...
Shemini Preview: The Difference is Key
Pesach 5783 Preview: Jewish Women Save the Day
Vayikra Parshah Preview: Sorry, But...
Vayakhel-Pekudei Parshah Preview: Serve God with ChatGPT
Ki Tisa Parshah Preview: The Dangers of Celebrity Worship
Tetzaveh Parshah Preview: Appreciate What You Have...Now
Terumah Parshah Preview: Even God Loves a Crowd
Mishpatim Parshah Preview: Finding Common Ground
Yitro Parshah Preview: Take Two Tablets
Beshalach Parshah Preview: What Have You Done for Me Lately
Bo Parshah Preview: Who is a Jew?
Va'eira Parshah Preview: It Only Takes One
Shemot Parshah Preview: We're All God's Children
Vayechi Parshah Preview: Sibling Rivalry
Miketz Parshah Preview: A Message to Princes Harry and William
Vayeshev Parshah Preview: Everybody Hurts
Vayishlach Parshah Preview: They Who Curse You...
Vayeitzei Parshah Preview: State of Denial
Parshat Toldot Preview: The Kids Are Alright
Chayei Sarah Preview: Unveiled
Vayera Parshah Preview: Taking Care of Our Own
Lech Lecha Preview: Blessings and Curses
Noach Parshah Preview: Just Do It
Bereishit Parshah Preview: It's the Dawn of a New Day
Hoshanah Rabbah Preview: Beats Me!
Sukkot Preview: God Helps Those Who Help Themselves
Vayeilech Parshah Preview: Apology Accepted
Nitzavim Parshah Preview: Shanah Tovah U'metukah
Ki Tavo Parsha Preview: Picky, Picky
Ki Teitzei Parshah Preview: Fuhgedaboudit
Shoftim Parshah Preview: Your Presence is Requested...
Naso Parshah Preview: Blessings of Love
Parshat Bamidbar/Shavuot Preview: Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself
Bechukotai Parshah Preview: Jews Are Different
Behar Parshah Preview: In Our Hands
Emor Parshah Preview: The Rainbow Connection
Kedoshim Parshah Preview: What's the Pig Deal?
Acharei Mot Parshah Preview: No Time to Die
Second Days of Pesach Preview: Ups and Downs
Erev Pesach Preview: Don't Be a Hater at the Seder
Metzora/Shabbat HaGadol Parshah Preview: The Best Revenge Is No Revenge
Tazria/Shabbat Hachodesh Parshah Preview: Of Particular Concern
Shemini/Shabbat Parah Parshah Preview: Silence Is Golden
Tzav Parshah Preview: Shuckle, Rattle and Roll!
Vayikra/Shabbat Zachor Parshah Preview: A Giant Disagreement
Pekudei Parshah Preview: Who Packs Your Parachute?
Vayakhel/Shabbat Shekalim Parshah Preview: Fear Not the Evil Eye
Ki Tisa Parshah Preview: To Err Is Human…
Tetzaveh Parshah Preview: Put on Your Shabbat Clothes
Terumah Parshah Preview: The Synagogue Rules
Mishpatim Parshah Preview: It's a Mitzvah to Compromise
Yitro Parshah Preview: Mind Your Loved Ones
Beshalach Parshah Preview: Let’s Hear It for the Little Guys
Bo Parshah Preview: Time for Change
Va'era Parshah Preview: Priest or Prophet?
Shemot Parshah Preview: 44 Years of Leadership
Vayechi Parshah Preview: The December Dilemma
Vayigash Parshah Preview: Don't Make Assumptions
Mikeitz Parshah Preview: Band of Brothers
Vayeishev Parshah Preview: Giving Thanks
Vayishlach Parshah Preview: Be Careful Whom You Reject
Vayeitzei Parshah Preview: Unveiling Misconceptions
Toldot Parshah Preview: A Better World for Women
Chayei Sarah Preview: Stretching the Truth
Vayeira Parshah Preview: Partners in Creation
Lech Lecha Parshah Preview: Know When to Fold 'Em
Noach Parshah Preview: Righteous in His Generation
Bereishit Parshah Preview: What's in a Pronoun?
Shemini Atzeret Preview: The Missing Tile
Ha'azinu Parshah Preview: Buy the Books!
Vayeilech Parshah Preview: The Day of Judgment is Here
Nitzavim Parshah Preview: A Good & Sweet New Year
Ki Tavo Parshah Preview: The Importance of Symbolism
Ki Tetzei Parshah Preview: Don't Cancel Rachmanus
Shoftim Parshah Preview: Fighting the Battle Against Covid
Parshat Re'eh Preview: How Would We Feel?
Parshat Eikev Preview: With All Your Heart and Soul
Shabbat Nachamu Preview: The Shabbat of Comfort
Tisha B'av: A Hopeful Mourning
Three Weeks Preview: Finding Hashem
Three Weeks Preview: Wedding Day Memories
Balak Parshah Preview: People Are Not Numbers
Chukat Parshah Preview: Know When to Fold 'Em
Korach Parshah Preview: The Big Lie
Shlach Parshah Preview: For These Things We Weep
Beha'alotcha Parshah Preview: Make Your Voice Heard
Parshat Nasso Preview: Peace at Home
Parshat Bamidbar Preview: Individual Rights vs. Collective Responsibilities
Behar-Bechukotai Preview: Don't Blame God for Human Mistakes
Parshat Emor Preview: Protecting God's Reputation
Achrei Mot-Kedoshim Preview: It's a Mitzvah to Live
Tazria-Metzora Preview: Take Time for Introspection
Schlissel Challah: The Key to Success?
Second Days Pesach Preview: Women's Changing Roles in Judaism
Pesach Preview: The Miracle of Jewish Survival
Vayikra Parshah Preview: Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
Vayahkel-Pekudei Preview: Avoiding Groupthink
Ki Tisa Preview: From "I" to "We"
Purim Preview: The Real Purim Villain
Terumah Parshah Preview: Give 'Till it Hurts
Mishpatim Parshah Preview: Who is a Pious Jew?
Yitro Parshah Preview: Baruch Hashem!
Beshalach Parshah Preview: It's Time to Restore Trust
Bo Parshah Preview: You Deserve a Break Today!
Vayechi Parshah Preview: Faith in the Future
Vayigash Parshah Preview: Have Yourself a Merry Little...
Mikeitz Parshah Preview: Dream a Little Dream...
Vayeishev Parshah Preview: Celebrating the Unknown
Vayishlach Parshah Preview: When Life is Bittersweet
Vayeitzei Parshah Preview: Becoming Me
Toldot Parshah Preview: Respecting Our Differences
Chayei Sarah Preview: Make Your Years Good
Vayera Parshah Preview: Let's Stick Together
Lech Lecha Preview: Get Out and VOTE!
Noach Parshah Preview: The Miracle of Science
Breishit Parshah Preview: Take a Deep Breath
Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah Preview: What Goes Around Comes Around
Sukkot Preview: Let's Stop Complaining!
Yom Kippur Preview: Bridging the Divide
Rosh Hashanah Preview: A Year of Hope
Nitzavim-Vayelech Parshah Preview: A Year of Unknowns
Ki Tavo Parshah Preview: Think Positive
Ki Teitzei Parshah Preview: Caught with Your Pants Down
Rosh Chodesh Elul Preview: A Holy Quarantine
Re'eh Parshah Preview: For the Birds
Eikev Parshah Preview: Black Lives Matter
Vaetchanan Parshah Preview: Fewer Choices, Better Life
Devarim Parshah Preview: Whom Do You Trust?
Matot-Masei Parshah Preview: Life Comes First
Balak Parshah Preview: Sanctifying the New
Korach Parshah Preview: Learning How to Disagree
Shelach Parshah Preview: Do you see with your heart or your eyes?
Beha'alotcha Parshah Preview: Got it Wrong. Make it Right.
Parshat Nasso Preview: Peace with Every Man
Bamidbar Parshah Preview: Life Before Land
Behar-Buchukotai Preview: Choose Optimism
Emor Parshah Preview: Honor Through Honesty
Acharei Mot-Kedoshim Parshah Preview: Don't Take My Advice!
Tazria-Metzorah Parshah Preview: The Cure for Isolation
Shemini Parshah Preview: Why Did God Bring Coronavirus Upon Us?
Tzav/Hagadol Parshah Preview: It's Good Enough for Me
Vayikra Parshah Preview: Kobi's Virtual Bar Mitzvah
Vayakhel Parshah Preview: Gives Us Strength
Ki Tisa Parshah Preview: Money to Burn
Tetzaveh Parshah Preview: Clothes Make the Man
Terumah Parshah Preview: Spreading Light
Mishpatim Parshah Preview: Gratitude...It's for the Dogs
Yitro Parshah Preview: The Ten Commandments
Beshalach Parshah Preview: Hearing Women's Voices
Bo Parshah Preview: The Beginning of Us
Va'eira Parshah Preview: Sharing the Spotlight
Shemot Parshah Preview: Kindness -- Just Do It
Vayechi Parshah Preview: To Tell the Truth
Vayigash Parshah Preview: Missed Messages
Mikeitz Parshah Preview: The Power of Dreams
Vayeishev Parshah Preview: Does Everything Happen for a Reason?
Vayishlach Parshah Preview: What's in a Name?
Vayetzei Parshah Preview: Accept Truth from Any Source
Toldot Parshah Preview: Setting the Record Straight
Chaye Sarah Preview: Grow Old Along with Me...
Vayera Parshah Preview: Stop Fooling Yourself
Lech Lecha Preview: Know Your Friends
Noach Parshah Preview: Never Settle
Bereishit Parshah Preview: From Finish
Shemini Atzeret Preview: Letting Go
Sukkot Preview: What Keeps Us Together
Yom Kippur Preview: Be True To Yourself
Rosh Hashanah Preview: Shanah Tovah U'Metukah!
Ki Tavo Preview: Be Happy with Your Blessings
Ki Teitzei Preview: Protecting Yourself...and Others
Shelach Parshah Preview: Think Positive!
Beha'alotcha Parshah Preview: Ask for More!
Naso Parshah Preview: Save the Jews first!
Shavuot Preview: The Source of Anti-Semitism
Bechukotai Parshah Preview: The Miracle of Jerusalem
Behar Parshah Preview: Every Life is Sacred
Emor Parshah Preview: R-E-S-P-E-C-T
Kedoshim Parshah Preview: Save Our Souls
Acharei Mot Parshah Preview: The Key to Success
Pesach Preview II: I'm Right, You're Not Wrong
Subject: Pesach Preview: The Secret to Pesach Success
Shabbat HaGadol Preview: What's the Big Deal?
HaChodesh Parshah Preview: The Blessing of Time
Shemini Parshah Preview: What Do You Know?
Tzav Parshah Preview: What Really Counts?
Vayikra Parshah Preview: Why Do They Hate Us?
Pekudei Parshah Preview: Keep it Private
Vayakhel Parshah Preview: A Grandparent's Influence
Ki Tisa Parshah Preview: Character Counts
Tetzaveh Parshah Preview: Speak, Don't Command
Terumah Parshah Preview: A Sanctuary for the People
Mishpatim Parshah Preview: Don't Jump to Conclusions
Yitro Parshah Preview: Seeing is Believing
Beshalach Parshah Preview: For the Birds
Bo Parshah Preview: Walking with God
Va'era Parshah Preview: Overcoming Challenges
Shemot Parshah Preview: Stop Wasting Time
Vayechi Parshah Preview: Maintaining Jewish Distinctiveness
Vayigash Parshah Preview: What's Next?
Miketz/Chanukah Preview: Domestic Tranquility
Vayeishev Parshah Preview: Band of Brothers...and Sisters
Vayishlach Parshah Preview: Talkin' Turkey
Vayeitzei Parshah Preview: Recognizing Righteousness
Toldot Parshah Preview: Prayer vs Might
Chaye Sarah Parshah Preview: A Mitzvah to Cry
Vayera Parshah Preview: Look Before You Leap
Lech Lecha Preview: Count Your Blessings
Noach Parshah Preview: Imagine Diversity
Bereishit Parshah Preview: The Original Gender Gap
Shemini Atzeret Preview: Who's Your ICE?
Sukkot Preview: The Holiday of Compromise
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 9-13-18/Vayelech-Yom Kippur
Rosh Hashanah Preview: 9-6-18/The Sweetness of Apple(s)
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 8-30-18/Ki Tavo
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 8-23-18/Ki Teitzei
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 8-16-18/Shoftim
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 8-9-18/Re'eh
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 8-2-18/Eikev
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 7-26-18/Tu B'Av
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 7-19-18/Tisha B'Av
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 7-12-18/Matot-Masei
Album: News, Views & Parshah Previews: 7-5-18/Pinchas
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 6-28-18/Balak
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 6-21-18/Chukat
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 6-14-18/Korach
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 6-7-18/Shelach
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 5-31-18/Beha'alotcha
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 5-24-18/Naso
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 5-17-18/Shavuot
News, Views & Parshah Preview: 5-10-18/Behar-Bechukotai
News, Views & Parshah Preview: 5-3-18/Emor
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 4-26-18/Acharei Mot-Kedoshim
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 4-19-18/Tazria-Metzorah
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 4-12-18/Shemini
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 4-5-18/Pesach II
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 3-29-18/Pesach
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 3-22-18/Tzav-Shabbat HaGadol
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 3-15-18/Vayikra
News, Views & Parshah Preview: 3-8-18/Vayakhel-Pekudei
News, Views & Parshah Preview: 3-1-18/Ki Tisa
News, Views & Parshah Preview: 2-22-18/Tetzaveh
News, Views & Parshah Preview: 2-15-18/Terumah
News, Views & Parshah Preview: 2-8-18/Mishpatim-Shekalim
News, Views & Parshah Preview: 2-1-18/Yitro
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 1-25-18/Beshalach
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 1-11-18/Bo
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 1-11-18/Va'era
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 1-4-18/Shemot
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 12-28-17/Vayechi
News, Views & Parshah Preview: 12-21-17/Vayigash
News, Views & Parshah Preview: 12-14-17/Mikeitz
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 12-7-17/Vayeishev
News, Views & Parshah Preview: 11-30-17/Vayishlach
News, Views & Parshah Preview: 11-22-17/Vayeitzei/Thanksgiving
News, Views & Parshah Preview: 11-16-17/Toldot
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 11-9-17/Chayei Sarah
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 11-2-17/Vayera
News, Views & Parshah Previews: 10-26-17/Lech Lecha
News, Views & Parshah Preview: 10-19-17/Noach
News, Views and Parshah Previews: Simchat Torah/Parshat Bereishit 5778
News, Views and Parshah Previews: Sukkot 5778
News, Views and Parshah Previews: Yom Kippur 5778
News, Views and Parshah Previews: Rosh Hashanah 5778
News, Views & Parshah Preview: 9-14-17
News, Views & Parshah Preview: 9-7-17
Shabbat Zachor: Should We Still Remember Amalek?
Beth Tfiloh Congregation
3300 Old Court Road
Baltimore, MD 21208
410-486-1905 |
Celebrating the Joy of Judaism. Embracing all Jews.
One of the leading Modern Orthodox synagogues in America, with a diverse membership, and an extensive offering of religious services, classes and year-round Jewish programming for all ages.
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