Yaffe Author Series: Dr. David Engles (kiddush class)

Dr. David Engles will present the story of the survival of his mother, Ruth Leimonzon Engles, during the Holocaust based on her book Written in a Barn: The Diary of a Young Woman from Vilna. Enjoy hearing book excerpts and insights from Dr. Engles and his wife, Eva in this Yaffe Author Series session.

Add to Calendar 03/01/2025 11:30 AM America/New_York Yaffe Author Series: Dr. David Engles Dr. David Engles will present the story of the survival of his mother, Ruth Leimonzon Engles, during the Holocaust based on her book Written in a Barn: The Diary of a Young Woman from Vilna. Enjoy hearing excerpts and insights from Dr. Engles and his wife, Eva (Ruth's Daughter) in this Yaffe Author Series session. Ivdu Program Center
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