Melissa Harans ‘10 on her engagement to Logan Levenson
Melissa Sacks ‘11 on her engagement to Ilan Sinelnikov
Aura Teles ‘16 on her engagement to Yehuda Abedon
Adam Teitelman ‘09 on his engagement to Ally Lipman
Matthew Fox ‘99 on his engagement to Samantha Hutt
Ilana Lehmann ‘12 on her engagement to William Mehrvarz
Bradley Kronthal ‘11 on his engagement to Allison Hayes
Jordana Eisenberg ’10 on her engagement to Ethan Kassimir
Eliana Wilner ‘14 and Andrew Kadish ‘14 on their engagement — that’s BT couple #28!
Hillel Stutman '16 on his engagement to Sara Kayla Kanovsky
Sam Fuchs ’04 on his marriage to Michelle Bolanos
Brittany Herzenberg ’13 on her marriage to Sam Cava
Eli Ankri ‘15 on his marriage to Shoshanna Weissman
Jenny Pearlman ’10 on her marriage to Yoni Schuster
Casey Spigel ’01 on his marriage to Alex Rutkovitz
Michael Kitt ‘02 on his marriage to Mojdeh Moheban
Joseph Brookman '14 on his marriage to Jessica Preactor
Aaron Schmerling '06 and his wife, Michelle, on the birth of their son, Jesse
Zach and Rachel (Rosen) Alter ‘06 on the birth of their daughter, Mila
Rachel (Denrich) Lang ‘02 and her husband, David, on the birth of their daughter, Noa Miriam
Kara (Hackerman) Diamond ‘06 and her husband, Mark, on the birth of their daughter, Julia
Lindsay (Gaister) Montague ’02 and her husband, Travis, on the birth of their daughter, Shayna Michelle
Andrew Schuster ‘05 and his wife, Julia, on the birth of their daughter, Fiona
Burton Daniel ‘04 and his wife, Lindsay, on the birth of their daughter, Lilah
Ari ‘07 and Debbie ‘08 Lesser on the birth of their daughter, Mila
Alisa (Brem) Rosenberg ‘04 and her husband, Jacob, on the birth of their daughter, Anna
Kira (Sherman) Franz ‘06 and her husband, JC, on the birth of their son, Cooper Wilder Franz
Netta (Tsemach) Greenblatt ’06 and her husband, Adam, on the birth of their daughter
Erin (Dahan) Fenigstein ‘02 and her husband, Tzuriel, on the birth of their son Ami
Ayelet (Dresin) Resnick ‘11 and her husband, Aharon, on the birth of their son, Ethan
Brooks Walter ’08 and his wife, Ashley, on the birth of their son, Brayden Harris
Alyssa Elhai ‘99 and her husband, Justin Miller, on the birth of their daughter, Olivia Claire
Shira Dickler Schneck ‘05 and her husband, Josh, on the birth of their son, Adir Nadav
Jenna Sperber ‘07 and her husband, Jeremy, on the birth of their daughter, Brinley Paige
Jaffa Panken ’01 and her husband, Josh Stanton, on the birth of their daughter, Ravit
Stephanie Felton Geltman ’08 and her husband, Andy, on the birth of their son, Oliver
Becky Sweren ’05 and her husband, David Pincus, on the birth of their son, Emmet
Rachel (Hercenberg) Waimberg ‘05 and her husband, Joshua, on the birth of their daughter, Clara
Jeremy Hurewitz ‘08 and his wife, Rachel, on the birth of their son, Harry Samuel (Chanan Shalom)
Adam Fauer ‘01 and his wife, Erica, on the birth of their daughter, Blake
Amy Schwartz Kimlat ‘02 and her husband, Kostya, on the birth of their daughter, Adelaide
David Kurland ‘04, and his wife, Nicole, on the birth of their son, Simon
Rebecca Gillette Bronfield ‘06 and her husband, Max, on the birth of their daughter, Dahlia
Ari Jacobson ’06 and his wife, Sara, on the birth of their son, Emmett
Jonathan Falk ’06 and his wife, Ruby, on the birth of their daughter, Nora
Scott Blumberg ’03 and his wife, Victoria, on the birth of their son
Jessica Marder Spiro ‘10 graduated from Columbia Law School and received the Ruth Bader Ginsberg award for academic achievement
Alex Rabin ‘16 graduated from University of Pennsylvania, Magna Cum Laude with distinction in Political Science
Rafi Pristoop ‘96 on receiving the James A. Curtin Award for the msot outstanding clinical Educator presented by MedStar Washington Hospital Center, Department of Medicine.
Neely Grobani ‘07, on the loss of her father, Dr. Anton Grobani
Bradley Melzer ‘17, on the loss of his grandmother, Beatrice Melzer
Deena Klotzman ‘08 and Barack Klotzman ‘10, on the loss of their grandmother, Frona Klotzman
Shai Levin '99 on the loss of his mother, Chaya Levin
Rachel Sweren '13 and Ryan Sweren '17, on the loss of their grandmother, Marlene “Cookie” Parish
Alyse Messafi '17, on the loss of her grandfather, Abe Messafi
Henry Sholk '11 and Seth Sholk '15, on the loss of their grandmother, Marilyn Kaplan
Dan Fleischmann ‘07, Louis Fleischmann '12 and Benjamin Fleischmann '15, on the loss of their grandfather, Rudy Fleischmann
Danielle Herman '16, on the loss of her grandmother, Patricia Hunt
Lea Glazer ‘16, Ben Glazer ‘19, Rachel Caplan ‘16 and Noah Caplan ‘16, on the loss of their grandfather, Yehuda Glazer
Benjamin Salzberg '17 and Eli Salzberg '18, on the loss of their grandfather, Dr. Rolf Lanzkron
Danielle Herman '16 and Meital Abraham '16, on the loss of their grandmother, Corrine Vineberg
Danielle Chazen '07 and Douglas Chazen '10, on the loss of their grandmother, Marlyn Chazen
Ethan Heyman '17, on the loss of his grandmother, Marilyn Iris Heyman
Dylan Karlin '13 and Jake Karlin '17, on the loss of their grandfather, Monroe Lunitz
Dara Baker '12 and Abigail Baker '16, on the loss of their grandmother, Beverly Baker
Emily Levine '98 and Douglas Levine '01 on the loss of their uncle, Lawrence “Larry” Levine
Michael Ingber '08, on the loss of his grandfather, Erich Oppenheim
Erika Shevrin '18, on the loss of her grandmother, Joyce Shevrin
Allison (Carl) Shapiro '07, on the loss of her grandmother, Fern Sydney Swerdlin
Paige Bookoff '08, Andrea Bookoff '10, Louis Bookoff '13 and Molly Bookoff '16, on the loss of their grandmother, Iris Keyser
Channa Rifkin '12, Gil Rifkin '14 and Emma Rifkin '19, on the loss of their grandmother, Clara Rifkin and grandfather, Michael Shen-Zur
Alyssa David ‘01, on the loss of her grandmother, Rita Friedman
Eric Chason '10, Max Chason '12 and Aly Chason '15, on the loss of their grandfather, Sidney Chason
David '98 (Meg) Goldsmith, Megan '01 (Andy) Harkavy and Adam Gerber '09, on the loss of their grandmother, Rayda Iris Gerber
Mitchell Traub'14, Kelsey Traub '16, Ethan Traub '20, on the loss of their grandfather, Gerald Sheldon Traub
Jenna Lifson-Book ’19, on the loss of her grandmother, Jacqueline Smith
David Hercenberg ‘03, Rachel Waimberg ‘05 and Deborah Lesser '08, on the loss of their grandmother, Lennie Gnatt
Jordan Schiff '13, on the loss of his mother, Cindy Beth Schiff
Joshua Chinsky '01, Benjamin Chinsky '04, and Rebecca Chinsky '04, on the loss of their aunt, SHARON SCHWARTZ.
Alyssa Elhai ‘99, on the loss of their wife, mother and sister, SYLVIA (SCHUSTER) ELHAI.
Elisheva Zuckerberg ‘06, Jeremy Zuckerberg ‘09, and Gabriel Zuckerberg '12, on the loss of their great-grandfather, Gilbert Liss.
Josh Miller ‘06, Dr. Adam Miller '08 and Erin Miller '12, on the loss of their grandfather, Paul Miller.
Jonathan Talor ‘04 and Nicole Talor ‘09, on the loss of their grandfather, Thomas Vladut.
Jonathan Foreman ‘03, on the loss of his grandfather, Jacob “Jake” Eisen.