Moms and Midrash: Meaning in Mitzvot

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In the wake of October 7, more Jews are taking on new Mitzvah observances to live as proud and committed Jews. Throughout Israel, and the world at large, we’ve seen people share the transformative power of Mitzvot. In this course, join a group of growth-minded women to explore the meaning behind the mitzvah, its relevance and practical application with a focus on how to make these mitzvot come alive for our families. Some of the mitzvot we will cover include Shabbat, Tefila, tzedakah/chesed, hafrashat challah, and brachot.  
This course will be led by Chana Slavaticki and guest presenters. 

This session's topic: "Kashrut: the Meaning in Kosher Nutrition"

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Add to Calendar 2/11/2025 08:00 AM 2/11/2025 10:00 AM America/New_York Moms and Midrash: Meaning in Mitzvot TBD

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