Schwartz Scholar in Residence: Rabbi Adam Mintz is the Rabbi of Kehilat Rayim Ahuvim, a Modern Orthodox community founded on the Upper West Side of Manhattan and the Director of 929 English, a web-based project that promotes the daily study of a chapter of Tanakh. He is the author of Building Communities: A History of the Eruv in America and has edited several volumes of essays on Jewish thought and religion.
Sponsored by Nathan and Louise Schwartz (z"l) of Wilmington, N.C.
Add to Calendar 05/03/2025 09:00 AMAmerica/New_YorkSchwartz Scholar in Residence: Rabbi Adam MintzSchwartz Scholar in Residence: Rabbi Adam Mintz is the Rabbi of Kehilat Rayim Ahuvim, a Modern Orthodox community founded on the Upper West Side of Manhattan and the Director of 929 English, a web-based project that promotes the daily study of a chapter of Tanakh. He is the author of Building Communities: A History of the Eruv in America and has edited several volumes of essays on Jewish thought and religion. Sponsored by Nathan and Louise (z"l) of Wilmington, N.C.Beth Tfiloh